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We see through industrial vessels and process equipment.

We make the invisible visible.

We at Rocsole are experts in electrical tomography and its application to fluid systems, such as pipelines, refineries, or manufacturing production plants.

With blue-chip partners, we’ve worked hard to make the unique SeeBeyond technology a reliable partner for operational excellence.

Founded in 2012, taking academic R&D and transforming that in recent years into industrial solutions in Energy production systems and manufacturing processes.

We help corporate partners streamline their operations and meet their ESG goals.

Need to see 'beyond' but are no clairvoyant?

Our detection systems made of an extremely clever combination of

Electrical Tomography
Intelligent Analytics Software

might be just your solution.

With our SeeBeyond Technology, you can now reliably monitor production conditions 24/7.

Detect Liquid Levels

Detect Liquid Levels

24/7 Condition  Monitoring<br> &  AI Data Analytics

24/7 Condition Monitoring
& AI Data Analytics

Detect Sand <br>
and Solids

Detect Sand
and Solids

Cross Industry <br>
Level Detection

Cross Industry
Level Detection

True Signals
not just Noise.

Latest Press Media

Rocsolen Osakeanti on Alkanut

Rocsolen Osakeanti on Alkanut

KUOPIO, Finland, 9.1.209025 - Rocsolen osakeanti on alkanut! Teollisuus tuottaa valtavasti hiilipäästöjä, ja etenkin tuotantohäiriöt aiheuttavat paitsi kustannuksia myös ympäristöhaittoja. Teknologiayhtiö Rocsole haluaa parantaa useiden teollisuusalojen suorituskykyä ja samalla tehdä hyvää planeetalle. Rocsole toimittaa teollisuuden tuottajille ja alkuperäislaitevalmistajille tomografiasovelluksia nesteprosessien mittaukseen ja valvontaan. Yhtiön teknologian avulla tuotannossa keskeisten säiliöiden ja separaattoreiden sisältä saa luotettavaa, reaaliaikaista […]
Halliburton Labs Welcomes Rocsole to its Clean Energy Accelerator Program

Halliburton Labs Welcomes Rocsole to its Clean Energy Accelerator Program

KUOPIO, Finland – Halliburton Labs introduces Rocsole as the newest participant in its clean energy accelerator. The company will join a collaborative ecosystem that helps early-stage companies achieve commercialization milestones with supportive resources that expand customer and investor prospects to enable growth. "We are thrilled to join Halliburton Labs, which is paving the way for a […]
Pekka Kaunisto – New CEO at Rocsole Oy

Pekka Kaunisto – New CEO at Rocsole Oy

KUOPIO, Finland, April 12, 2024 – With immediate effect the Board of ROCSOLE Ltd has appointed Pekka Kaunisto as the new CEO of Rocsole. Kaunisto, who joined Rocsole in early 2019 as Vice President of Sales, will succeed Mika Tienhaara, who served as CEO since early 2020. Kaunisto brings a wealth of experience in the […]

The Robust 24/7 Solution
for Produced Water Monitoring & Management

Proudly acknowledged by…

Our Impact Roadmap



Higher safety levels
Planned maintenance instead of unexpected shutdowns



For each mid-size oilfield (50K BOPD) => = 1.460 up to 14.600 cars OFF the roads




Pekka Kaunisto

If Oil and Gas operations can be seen as Cleantech challenges, this opens the doors to sustainable profits.

Pekka Kaunisto, CEO ROCSOLE

Greendustry 2030

Shaping the future in climate impacting industries
one car "off the road" at a time.

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